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IT support

We recommend a comprehensive solution that will free you of worry about the IT business of your company – we will worry for you. You can put all of your IT items on one invoice, and we will take care of maintenance around the clock. We do not offer compulsory contracts, but flexible and customer-oriented services. Our maintenance service is responsible for implementing your IT solutions as agreed and for ensuring that they work flawlessly after commissioning.

We will provide you with the best solution proposals suited for your business and current systems. When renewing your systems, our experts will help you with specifications, device configurations, and the acquisition process. We will arrange the introductory training for our solutions in a client-specific manner.

Remote support

We will create a fixed device-specific remote connection for maintenance. In this way, your business can get help quick if there is ever a problem.

Local support

Our expert will arrive on site to take care of maintenance works for workstations, peripherals, servers, software, networks, and other data systems.

24h standby

Our 24h standby service will accept support requests at the number 020 735 2905 or via e-mail at

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