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Kultaranta network is in safe hands

The core of all businesses operating today is somehow tied in with nets. For fishers this is a very concrete insight, but even more metaphorical functional networks are equally vital for companies, as Operations Officer Valtteri Uotinen of the Kultaranta Resort Oy, providing recreational and travelling services, reminds us: Our core operations consist of accommodation,…

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Improved time management with a Microsoft 365 software package.

Founded in the year 2007, Hissitohtorit Oy provides expert services for elevator systems based on decades of experience. The founding idea of the company service operations is to save client companies’ time when it comes to works related to elevators. But in order to able to offer time, one must have time. Functional data systems…

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Significant temporal flexibility at a reasonable price

Palin Granit Oy is a stone quarrying company operating all over Finland. The family business Palin Granit was established in Loimaa in the early 1920s. By merging with the Norwegian Lundhs AS in 2014, the companies became the largest natural stone miner in Northern Europe. The mining itself does not require complicated IT systems, but…

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ITpoint spares you the cursing

Outsourcing IT operations is a risk worth taking. When everything is working as it should, there is more time for core operations and less need for cursing. Executive Officer Ville Haapanen of Suomen Sillikonttori Oy knows what he’s talking about. Although herrings and information networks are not an immediate connection, IT issues are very important…

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Push a button – enjoy summer

The social and healthcare services offered in our country are undergoing a transformation. This transformation has caused reactions in Loimaa as well. While waiting for the state to issue broader guidelines, a private medical clinic offering healthcare services was established in Loimaa. The clinic, called Lääkäriasema Joutsen, has been in operation since late 2015, helping…

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